$ P R I C I N G
Before I begin a project, we will discus your budget, and all the costs will be included in this number, including:
Down payments,
Design fees,
Travel costs
The cost of a mural is mainly based on two things: area covered, and amount of detail.
As a starting estimate, I look at what a wall painter would charge to cover the area with a single color. Rates for this typically are around $5 dollars per square foot. To get a ball park idea for how much a mural would cost, find out the square footage of the space you would like painted. A mural is much more detailed, so estimate about 15$ per square foot. But keep in mind that a mural will not always cover the whole wall. I have creative ideas for how to transform a space without painting the entire wall. Other elements that affect the price are how far I need to travel for the job, what type of surface I will be painting on (drywall, brick, etc.), and how much time I would spend on a ladder/scaffolding. We will discuss all the factors up front before we decide on a price, so you will only pay a different price from what you are quoted if you decide to change something mid-project.
I can paint murals in a variety of styles, and paintings with high detail will take longer and cost more.
Here is an example of an accent mural. The painting is only on one wall, painted directly over the background color already on the wall. A mural like this would cost $400 and could be painted within a day.
Here is an example of a partial wall mural. This design spread across two walls with a height of 8 feet (second wall not shown), and was painted directly over the background color that was already on the wall. The design is simple and colorful, with geometric style. A project like this would cost $850 and could be painted over 1 days.
This mural covers most of one wall with a height of 10 feet. This type of painting was painted in the style of a 50's illustration. A mural like this would cost $1000 and could be painted over 2 days.
This mural covered all four walls in a room with a 10 ft ceiling. It was done in a highly detailed style and made to look like the inside of a castle with faux details like framed pictures and realistic objects hanging from the wall. A project like this would cost $15k and would take about 1 week to complete.
These two murals are examples of full room murals that include the ceiling and even doors. Painting ceilings can be challenging, but it creates a beautiful, full immersion effect. Depending on room size and preparation, these kinds of murals start at $2000-$5000 and usually take at least a week to complete.
Let me know up front what you are willing to spend, and I will show you what I can do for that price. Whether you have $200 or $5000, I can add one of a kind style to your space. Check out the "How to Get Started" page for more info.